Zero Waste for 48 hour in NYC | Studio Vegan

While on a train ride to New York City I decided to go zero waste why because it’s always been on my mind for the two years of being homeless I litter a big suitcase and a carry-on and has the most minimalist lifestyle I’ve ever seen in my life and I enjoyed every second of it but there was always something about zero waste that I was intrigued by so when I moved out of my mother’s apartment and moved into my own I went minimalist and zero waste now I’m not going to elaborate too much on my current situation and lifestyle until a later blog but I did want to share with you guys my 48 hours is there waste in New York City so what is your waist.

I went 48 zero waste in New York City.

The cup I use my reusable one. We use an estimated 17 billion disposable cups each year.

The straw I use my metal one. Americans use 500 million drinking straws every day.

My Food container I used a wide mason jar. Food containers makes up about 45% of all the materials in U.S. landfills, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. 30.5 million tons.

The United States discards more food than any other country in the world: nearly 40 million tons — 80 billion pounds — every year.

It was so beautiful and rewarding to take a step back and look at your impact on the planet, everything we do daily affects the planet, the people around us, the sea life, the air we breathe and our environment. The soil our food grown. The ground and climate, all and everything is impacted. That’s why I chose to try this lifestyle, now it’s become something permit .I’m slow or fast-ly transitioning my whole entire home into a zero waste place to live also minimalist you’re some minimalist videos.

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